Good Day’s Sleep

Yeah whoo! After almost a week I finally had a good day’s sleep! For the last few days I have been at war with the window trying to block out all the light I can so I can sleep thru the day. Ah yes the joys of night shift. Slept like a rock today. (Pun intended)

Last night I worked about as hard as one can on this rig. But the best part of last night is when they had the flare going. What happens is when there is to much gas in the mud, (because we drilled through the good stuff,)the mud is run through a separator and all the gas is piped away and then lit on fire. This is done so that the rig doesn’t catch on fire and burn down. Bad things happen if there is to much gas in the mud. It’s bad luck to talk about the bad things so you will have ask me when I’m not on location. So the gas is piped away and lit and that is what we call a flame or a flare. Last night we had one that was about 15ft of flame. Of corse I didn’t have my camera for that one! But here is what our flare looked like latter.

I personally think they always look cooler at night. Flares have been know to catch farmers fields on fire and all kinds of things. You ask around and everyone has a story about a flare that looked like it was going to burn something down or did burn something. When the wind gets blowing it can be very exciting.. They look awesome and for the most part are safe.


Coworker made awsome Taco Soup for dinner, and a few coworkers from other rigs came over and helped us eat it.  Life is good when your tripping!