A week in North Dakota

A week in North Dakota can be exciting and boring all at the same time. After being off for months it was trilling to be back at work.  Most of the time the rigs we work on are located in strange place that are hard to find, far from civilization, and normally with very little cell service. But every once in a while we get to work in a location that has it all. Cell service. A view. No mud puddles. What could be better?!

Every once in while North Dakota delivers. The sunsets this week have been particularly spectacular. The job remains the same. The rig drills and we geosteer.  As exciting as our job is somedays it is rather quite dull. This is probably for the best not only does it give us time to look up things like artic bees but if thinks were not dull the chance of fire goes up.  It is reassuring to know that after being off for months I do in fact remember how to do my job.

Sadly nothing last forever and now I have to brave the las hurrah of winter and drive thru a blizzard to Wyoming for my next assignment.