So here I sit on my super-secret squirrel project. Things are slow today. So I’m reading a Reader’s Digest. And there is an article about Fenn’s treasure. Now I like everyone in the west has heard of this before even if we haven’t read the poem or gone looking for the chest of gold. I had heard rumors of it for ages and had heard of people who had died looking for it. Well thanks to the handy dandy map in Raeder’s Digest it turns out that I’m working in the probable zone, where sage and pine meet. I had remarked not too many days before that I loved seeing trees and smelling sage reminded me of my childhood.

So here I am smack dap in the heart of possibilities. This of course gets the mind day dreaming where could it be? What would I do if I found it? How hard can it be to find? I mean after all an 80 year old man hid it. I bet the internet has figured out the clues already. Turns out the internet has TONS of ideas as to where it could be and what it all means but no one wants to share.

I’m better at math questions than riddles so I have no idea where warm waters halt but I’m willing to go for a hike and sit in the hot springs to think about it. IF you figure out the clues I will go look for it and we can slit it!

What would you do with a chest full of gold? I personally think I would split it. I would take some to have a wild adventure with, give some to a worthy cause (the homeless guy who hunts for the treasure seems like a good start), and then I think I would re hide most of it so someone else could find it and keep the adventure alive! But I’m sure the real treasure is the pursuit of it all. The case. Until I find it, it makes for a great day dream!