WOW! What a day! From London it was a very long 10 hour flight to Dallas. Airplane food is in fact the worst thing ever created. If you get the option don’t eat it. Take a PBandJ with you. You will be happier. We landed on time and I got through customs and baggage claim no problem. HELLO USA!!! Everyone speaks English and I can read all the signs! Woot! My parents were kind enough to drive me down a car fully loaded and ready to go. I met them at the airport and spent all of about 12 hours with them (at least 9 of those were sleep). After food, sleep and some more food it was time to hit the road North!
Note to self if traveling between Dallas and OKC avoid rush hour and construction season. The best part of driving in the South is the speed limit is posted at 75 the bad part about driving in the South if you go 75 you are going to get passed… A lot! So off I went cruising along listening to the Country station because the only other station is Christian music, and let’s face it that is not road trip music. Seemed like every other mile was road construction and I guess you got to get it done before it gets to hot but man there was a lot of it. I stopped for gas along the way and it was a bit of a shock to walk in and be greeted by such friendliness. Everyone smiled and said please and thank you and held doors open. My oh my! The cashier who rang up my new pair of sunglasses (because of course I forgot to pack mine) told me to have a blessed day. Nothing quite like the south.
I made it to Norman OK and headed for the office. The boss was glad to see me, and showed me around the new building. After signing all the paperwork and doing the dug tests, we chatted about life in the oil field and the things that had changed since I was here last. The short version is not much. They dropped down to only a few rigs with the bust but are now back up to double that. Apparently I was one of ten new/return hires this month. After shooting the breeze for a while I was given directions, a name, a phone number, and told I would be working tonight. That was the extent of my day in the office. I hopped back in my car and headed north and west.
Rule number one of the oil field is always stop at the last Walmart. I had the basics of what I needed to work hard hat, coveralls, steal toe boots but I needed food to get me through. So Walmart was my last stop before I left civilization. The last Walmart wound up being about an hour and a half from the rig. this means that if I want to go to real town it’s at least a three hour round trip from the rig. I was at Walmart for less then an hour and saw five guys and one girl in coveralls and at least another 6 or 7 guys out of coveralls that where all shopping for stuff for rig life. One overstuffed cartload latter and I too was back on my way. I can’t eat like I use too working this job. Now I crave good food like risottos and stir fry. So I’m loaded up for now anyway on healthy stuff and can’t wait to cook it.
But now the sun is closer to the horizon and almost blinding as I drive west. The setting sun also means it’s past time I was at work. I make tracks thinking I will be late and my coworker will be pissed. I don’t know now if we are drilling or not. I trade off hoping we are not drilling and hoping that if we are we are going slow.
Twisting, winding, turning, I fallow the directions I’ve been give: turn at the gas station, go 3 miles, turn go 5 miles, turn go 2 miles, turn go 1,turn go 1, and your there… I manage to find the right rig on the first try and before the sun set in a blaze of orange and pink glory. It’s almost like I’ve done this before and know what I’m doing hrmm… I walk in to our shack and we are drilling alright but it’s as slow as you can go! God bless the chert! I even have time to put my groceries away before I have to seriously work hard. Everything looks like it should. All the right tools are here. Even my coworker hasn’t changed. I have quite literally picked up where I left off here. It’s a little scary.

I jump right in to work. Catching samples, and writing up descriptions. I need a few refreshers from my coworker and he is in a good enough mood to help me out. So now I’m all caught up on work. Reports are done, samples are happy, the trailer needs a good cleaning but that can wait tell tomorrow.