Back to the Grindstone

After months of not working I’m finally back! The lights were starting to get dim but luckily oil is on the way back up. This year I have worked a total of 21 days. That would not be a problem if this was January but it is April! The last few months have been great.  I got a lot of living in and would have liked to do more. Moved Apartments, had a snow day, showed out of town friends around town, made new friends,  a few bike rides and made cookies! It may seem like little things to people who get to come home to their kitchen every night and make whatever they like but when you live a crazy life like me it can be a real treat.

One of the highlights of the days off was the snow day where Rome was covered in 5 inches of fluffy white stuff. It brought the city to a standstill! It was glorious! I love the snow and when you add the ridiculousness of the Italian it just makes for a perfect cluster of disaster!

A few short days after the snow storm they turned the Colosseum green for St Patty’s day. Turned the city in to a whole different type of disaster.

The best highlight was after we had moved to our new apartment in a lovely Italian beach town.  In the middle of spring the whole place smells of purple lilac and fresh salt sea breeze!  I know it sounds like a laundry soap commercial but that’s how it smells! The day after Easter the whole country shuts down for a holiday because of this one of our very good friends hosts a big party. In years past we have had to travel for several hours to get to the party. This year we walked five minutes down the street carrying our potluck dishes! Something I’m not sure I have ever done even in America. The Italians that were out enjoying the lovely sunshine looked at us like we had corn growing out of our ears. But they smile when you wish them Buona Pasqua! The party was a great time and there is nothing like spring a beach town. We even swam in the Mediterranean one day.

But sadly the lovely holiday had to end. This week I am working in the office and it is truly the worst! Perhaps it is the jet-lag, or the long hours traveling, or maybe it really is the office.