When I’m not running around Europe or drilling wells I have adventures playing with my car. My car, we will call him Hank, is not the newest or shiniest but for the most part he gets me from place to place. FOR THE MOST PART…
Apparently Hank doesn’t like it when the temperature is 21 degrees below 0. Can’t say that I blame him but it would be nice if he would start. Well on day a few weeks ago when it was really cold I went out to start Hank up and he wouldn’t start. Dun dun dun! So I had to beg a jump from my coworker who had jumper cables. Took three tries but eventually turned over. We drove to town and promptly bought a new battery. I had to install it in the weak winter sunshine in -15 degree weather. Lucky for me I come prepared with tool kit and the knowledge how to change a battery.
But after that Hank fired right up. But the weather will not be getting any better so today we are sitting at the dealership getting an engine block heater installed.
It doesn’t look like a very exciting time but this will keep my engine warm in the winter for years to come. Of course we had to take the extreme approach because Hank has a ribbed oil pan. That means a simple stick on heater won’t work. When it’s all done we have a little plug that hangs out the front of the grill that gets plugged in to the side of a building.
Ta-da! Hours later we are all done! you can hardly see it but that little plug is going to be a life saver.