Hank Adventures

Well it finally happened! After years of driving to and from rigs and parking on rigs I finally bumped something.  When you park on the rig for safety reasons you have to back in.  If there is an emergency it’s easier to get out without reversing and because most collisions happen when backing up.

Well that is what happened to me today. I moved Hank from the back 40 to in front of the trailers so I could load my stuff in preparation of my departure.  While backing up to park between a trailer and a basket I was a little off on my line up and managed to bump Hank right into the basket. Luckily, if you can say such a thing, the basked has nobs on the end for the forklift to move it that just happen to be right at tail light height. CRUNCH! Luckily it was only the cover for the taillight and the rear window or anything else more damaging.

Its areal ego blow but I managed to recover well. I loaded my stuff and moved Hank back and set to work on making the taillight street legal.  Closer inspection found that the light was undamaged and still functioning just the red cover is broke. It is safety plastic so it brakes rather than shatters. It was a low impact collision so most of the pieces where recovered. I am missing one piece but the rest fit back together well.


The rig is tripping so I had a chance to fix it right away. To put all the parts back together I had to detach humpdy dumpdy from the rest of the car. Everything these days are plastic and just pop right out. I managed to get all the pieces to fit back together and taped them in place. I made sure to seal it up good so no dust from the road gets in and fries the bulb.  A little red sharpie and we will be good to go long enough to get a new cover. Hopefully they are not a $300 part.

Off to look for parts!