Hiya from London! After biding a very difficult and very early goodbye to my life in Rome I hopped on a plane. I very bumpy three hour flight later here I am on my layover in London. I was greeted with free newspapers in English as we disembarked!!! After navigating the maze of an airport I managed to find a pub with beer and fish and chips. The fish was a little soggy and the chips needed salt bad but it’s the best breakfast I’ve had all day! I can’t get over how awesome it is to read a newspaper again!
I found this very fitting headline in the business section. In short it says renewable energy is great but not enough and we need to figure out how to coexist. Most people don’t got to work everyday wondering what chess move in world politics will affect their work, but that is the day in and day out for oil. I don’t want to get into the politics of it but thank you to all of you who drove into work and bought something wrapped in plastic.
Cheers from London! Next flight to Texas!