Off to work I go!

Hello world! After a yearlong hiatus, I am returning to the oil fields! This is very exciting partly because I have been away for a year and partly because it is an awesome job and not something everyone gets to do.  What is the job you ask? Well I am a Geologist by schooling and a mud logger by training. As a geologist there are a few jobs you can do on an oil rig; one is being a mud logger which is what I will do. I am responsible for collecting and analyzing the samples, keeping track of the amount of gas, and watching the different pressures and fluid levels as an extra set of eyes to make sure there are no problems.  I will get in to details and other jobs on the rig latter.

Tomorrow I leave my husband behind and travel for about twenty-three hours to Oklahoma City where I will be given my assignment and head out in to the field.  The last time I headed to work in the oil field I left from Washington state and was headed North to Alaska. This time I’m leaving from Rome Italy, where my husband and I have been living for the last two years. I am heading back to work for the first company that I worked for when I started in oilfield work. While it’s definitely a double-edged sword – I hate saying goodbye but I am excited to head back to work, and to take you all along for the ride! I am very much looking forward to sharing this experience with you’ll!